Friday, February 19, 2010

The Devil Within

The Devil Within

I never hurt you
Never came in your way..
And yet you decided that I
Shall bleed with all those that you slay
For your own selfish reasons
You're out for vengeance
For the devil inside you
Shall the world have to pay?

Innocence and love is lost from the world,
Rusted with centuries of glorified hate
Of community for community,religion for religion
On which has grown your devilish gait.
Epitome of the world's end, you are
Born of the abbhorrence of man for man..
Feeding on cold penury
You have the blood of strife on your hands.

As hearts go numb,
And tears go dry...
As the world turns to fire
Around me as I die..
As my breath gets shorter
I ask you this,
How many more must you kill
Before your hate turns to bliss?

My eyelids are growing heavy..
I shall soon unite with history
You shall stand on a bed of graves
And claim a meaningless victory.
Blood has flowed for aeons now,
As you pricked at every vein..
But someday the devil shall be exorcised
And the world shall forget its ghastly pains.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


"The world breaks everyone and later many are strong in the broken places. But those that it will not break, it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry" -Ernest Hemingway

" The Meaning Of My Life

I am a fragment of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world-into the blank places in the hearts of men - and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life." -Robert Fulghum
" Tough Stuff
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience, by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to say to yourself, " I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Colleges are like old-age homes. Only more people die in colleges. -Bob Dylan
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do. -Bob Dylan
But even the President of the United States must sometimes have to stand naked -Bob Dylan
Keep watching this space...I'll add more as I get more !

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dreams And Schemes

With all my life, I have tried to decipher what love meant to me. In vain did I try... I've looked into episodes of life and all I have found is that love is very ambiguous...Like a fluid..Its something that makes people do seemingly impossible things..The world has not gone up in flames because we love, we care... But often there are exquisite moments in life that one cherishes more than a relationship...What happens when in your darkest hours, someone holds your hand and you feel like you could live through your life holding that hand and suddenly its all gone and you are alone again?

Dreams and Schemes

Its a dark dank afternoon
I'm sitting with my chai..
A lonesome raindrop trickles down
The window pane and I..
I'm dreaming up impossible dreams
that end with a regretful sigh..
You were there to see my heart bleed
Witness to the pains I've borne..
Dreams and schemes did I conjure
For times when the storms had gone..
The rope that pulled me from drowning waters
You had held, till it tore..
I long to scream to you-
Look at me now..I'm ashore..
A thousand and one words have I to say
to you for making me believe
That the world would be kind to me
if only I would leave
The portals of my walled world
And learn to embrace
The ways of the world beyond
With a smiling face...
My eyes look for you
Amongst the milling crowd,
An untraceable reassurance
that I have begun to doubt,
Where you an angel sent forth to me?
To help me learn to live
Only to fly away so far
When fantasies I had begun to weave..
A hard fall to the ground below
From the breeze you led me through
A pain somewhere deep in the heart
is all that's left with this blow
There now, the world's just spurned me again..
All that you said was a lie
Dreams and schemes did I conjure
All to end in a regretful sigh..

Friday, February 5, 2010

Growing Up

One of the toughest times in life is growing up to be an adult from a teenager...When you realize that you are no longer "A CHILD".....It certainly pains..

I wrote this one because I felt a great deal of pain...More so because it felt convenient to live in denial of adulthood but realization struck that life could not be lived in denial..

Growing Up

Rain, Rain go away
Come again another day
Little Johnny wants to play
Rain Rain go away

The rain may go away
But Little Johnny cannot play
'Coz time has come for him to say
Goodbye to the childhood games of yesterday
Neon lights of the city beckon him away
To responsibilities and duty holds sway
Over each living day

Entering into a world dark and grey
Johnny will remember the day
The rain stopped to let him play
On a rain-washed evening on a drab friday
He'll remember the sleigh
That he rode into the sunset on a long-past holiday...

The Lost Night

Nights are a very mystical time...Everything seems to be so serene. All the world's ugliness dissolves into its all-encompassing darkness. I've repeatedly fallen in love with the magical beauty of the stars that shine ever so innocently in the night sky, the jet black of it interspersed with spots of violet and dark blue....And the moon with the aura around it....It is all so reassuring that even in the toughest of hours I have found peace and comfort in it... This poem about the beauty of a moonlit night was one of the first I ever wrote....

The Lost Night

When the sun goes down on the darkened horizon
And the river looks like a fiery diamond
I stand and watch in silence
As twilight dissolves into darkness
The wise owl perches on a high branch
Looking for unsuspecting prey.
The cold air rustles through the leaves
As shriveled hands shiver before the struggling fire.
The nocturnal emerge from their secret nests
For their nightly prowl.
When the last candle blows
Before the torrent of the blowing wind
The poet finds his penchant
And pens his new lines
All the mundane is tucked into cupboards
And children into their beds.

Oh! Its a magical night
When the moon dances in its silvery shoes
And beckons to the shadows...
There do I stand
To revel in the vista of the mystical night....