Sunday, September 30, 2012

C'est La Vie - I

I was challenged by a friend to write a "touching" love story. Having never truly experienced what those in the know would refer to as the "pangs of love", this is uncharted territory for yours truly. 

Treat this as the interesting insight into one man's affairs of the heart from the eyes of someone whose closest exposure to "romance" is through the mushy tales of Katherine Heigl in her numerous avatars of the girl next door who "found love in a hopeless place". 

Here's Part I of the story. 

One For The Memories

The flipside of every waking moment not being taken up by work of some nature, as is the relatively new experience of being a senior in college, is that one tends to spend a  lot of time thinking about the answers to life, universe and everything.

Or, for the more sentimental lot that I claim allegience to, plunging headlong into a wistful reverie of times gone by.

To deal with my most recent bout of existential crisis, I put all my energy for a night on scavenging memories from the last few years as college slips quietly by, not unlike a magpie hoarding treasures. My erstwhile blank whitewashed wall now bears the weight of a hundred odd photographs that sum up the highs of life so far.

For all the good times, there's always a friend inseparably remembered. Here's to all the memories that remain.

Good Times! Dated: 1st October 2012