Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Tale of Dreams

Long long ago, among the deep dark nerves in my brain, there lived many Dreams at various secluded corners. Some were big, some were small, and some were really huge. Their job was to keep reminding me, at every opportune moment of all of the good things that I wanted in life and to keep me working, albeit letting Sleep and Fun, rambunctious teenage bullies from the neighbouring town, cower them down sometimes which, of course, caused me to shut down the Work factory every once in a while. Now, some of these Dreams were very gentle with me, but many were persistent and one or two were totally impossible. Yet, they lived in perfect harmony with each other, filling my childhood and teenage with a sense of purpose and rightness.

Then along came High School. Tension surged in that peaceful community and some of the gentler dreams, especially those which wanted me to sing, make music, be a writer, go to Rome and find my Prince Charming were suddenly under attack. The scientists, engineers and blue collar entrepreneurs among my Dreams were gaining hold. It was like a civil war had suddenly broken out. What for many years had been just a community of Dreams existing side by side, now changed to wannabes fighting for authority. Poor, poor me. I was caught in the crossfire and growing more confused by the day. Reality was not supposed to take a break now, was it? And so it jumped into the fight, beat all the feeble dreams of Rome, music (And mind, the Prince Charming too) to a pulp and declared the Dream of an Engineering Degree (let’s call it the E-Dream, shall we?) the ruler of them all.

Now I only heard leers in my head, whenever I thought of those beaten dreams. Meanwhile, in the world that you and I live in, the exam results declared : “She may be an engineer”. That is when the E-Dream flexed its muscles but lost its focus. These days I live in college, among peers - fellow runners on the road to accomplishment. My Dreams have become kind of sleepy. Blurred and obscure from the stress of an everyday routine. Broken by the long list of disappointments that life has dished out over a pretty short time frame. There are waves of resurgence, when there are shooting stars in the sky or when, all out of nowhere, a spat of good news floods my heart and mind with happiness. But they are in slumber nonetheless..

Is this how one knows one is an adult? When you let your dreams sleep away and let reality rule? Or is this one of those stretches of empty landscape in the portrait of life? Can you ever have a life with all your dreams fulfilled? Of course not. But would I be happier if I held on to those lost dreams instead… ?

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I –
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.”