Sunday, September 30, 2012

One For The Memories

The flipside of every waking moment not being taken up by work of some nature, as is the relatively new experience of being a senior in college, is that one tends to spend a  lot of time thinking about the answers to life, universe and everything.

Or, for the more sentimental lot that I claim allegience to, plunging headlong into a wistful reverie of times gone by.

To deal with my most recent bout of existential crisis, I put all my energy for a night on scavenging memories from the last few years as college slips quietly by, not unlike a magpie hoarding treasures. My erstwhile blank whitewashed wall now bears the weight of a hundred odd photographs that sum up the highs of life so far.

For all the good times, there's always a friend inseparably remembered. Here's to all the memories that remain.

Good Times! Dated: 1st October 2012


  1. Kuch sento..:)

    Two points from BSM :
    1. "blank whitewashed wall" are going to be ruined soon..:P
    2. For all the bad times also, thanks for being there..:D

    1. For a friend in need is a friend indeed :D To Good times!
